At the start of each semester, we will create a group agreement, otherwise known as a code of conduct that has been written collectively. (As a reference, we might refer to the School for Poetic Computation's code of conduct).

Being respectful of everyone’s typography (work)
Being respectful of everyone’s backgrounds
Be kind
Ask clarifying questions
Ask questions in critique to understand where the artist is coming from
Don't make assumptions (explanatory comma)
Give constructive critiques (generative comments)
Stay muted when you're not speaking (in Zoom)
Keep cameras on except for bio breaks
Actively use the chat
Share risky thoughts, encourage respectful disagreement
Cultivate a willingness to make mistakes
Forgive ourselves and others for making mistakes
What you put into this you will get out of it
Don't use anger and try to speak calmly
Before any photos are posted, we get approval from those pictured in the photo
Discriminatory comments will not be tolerated
Take space / Make space (Step in, Step back)

We want to make sure we are creating a safe space for everyone to express their opinions, but we will be hyper-aware of how these opinions are expressed.